Final projects and presentations
Best publicly voted projects
- Zibo Zhong and Tao Wang, Classification of NBA players [presentation] [report]
- Yin Zhang and Yi-Pin Lai, What am I going to wear? VtBPR: A Visual-trending Aware Bayesian Personalized Ranking Recommender
Computer vision
- Aditya Gurjar and Pritish Uplavikar, Image Captioning Using Neural Networks [presentation]
- Junru Wu, Pixelated Image Abstraction [presentation] [report]
- Vaibhav Rawat and Shubham Bhargava, Image Inpainting [presentation] [report]
- Leela Krishna Gottumukkala and Savinay Narendra, Sketch-Based Wireframing [presentation] [report]
Speech & Language
- Wenlin Yao, Acquire common sense knowledge between events via weakly supervised approach [presentation] [report]
- Jigna Reshamwala and Surya Akella, Machine Language Translation [presentation]
- Xing Zhao and Sirui Li, WikiPedia Online Attacking Detection [presentation] [report]
- Jacob Fenger, Emotion recognition using speech [presentation] [report]
Sports & Entertainment
- Tao Wang and Zibo Song, Prediction of NBA player ranking [presentation] [report]
- Henry Quan and Evan Feiereisel, Exploring associations between young individual attributes and preferences [presentation] [report]
Health & Community well-being
- Parvez Rafi, Arash Pakbin, and Shiva Kumar Pentyala, Interpretable deep learning model for predicting all-cause 30-day hospital readmissions [presentation] [report]
- Aditya Gujral, Detecting conflict in couples [presentation] [report]
- Yash Sharma, Zong-Fu Hsieh, and Sangam Jindal, Deep learning for self driving cars [presentation] [report]
- Baiherula Abula, David Cross, and Aaron Kingery, Application of Machine Learning Tools to Predict the Vulnerability of Communities to Natural Disasters [presentation] [report]
- Xianzhi Liu and Qingquan Song, Safe Driver Prediction [presentation] [report]
- Ye Yuan and Xiaohan Chen, Interpretable Learned LASSO [presentation] [report]